Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
SBS Interview and Broadcast 2009-12-11
YTN Interview and Broadcast 2009-12-08

[Houses & Bodies]
미래의 인간과 인간이 살 집의 모습은 어떨까?
달팽이집처럼 인간과 집이 섞여 버린 유기적인 공간들.
[인터뷰 데이비드 홀, 작가]
"일종의 인간의 몸에 건축물이 더해져서 서로 진화하게 되는 거죠."
인간의 세포 같은 하나의 단위를 컴퓨터 프로그래밍을 통해 증식시키고 뒤틀고 변형시켜 생성된 이미지들.
다시 3D 프린터로 뽑아 내놓은 구조물은 마치 생명체 같습니다.
[인터뷰:정윤아, 인터아트 채널 전시기획자]
"컴퓨터 프로그램밍을 통해서 생성되는 다양한 형태를 통해서 미래의 변화될수 있는 인간의 몸과 도시 그런 전체 패러다임을 보여줄려고 하는 것이 목적이고요."
발상의 전환, 구애받지 않은 자유로운 상상속에서 아주 먼 미래.
인간과 인간이 살아갈 공간의 밑그림이 그려졌습니다.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Hongik Meta Design Symposium 2009

key Speaker - Hongik University - Meta Design Sympathetic Media Symposium June 24 2009- Hongik University - Seoul - South Korea
Lecture Notes
Communication technology
and the tectonics of architectural space.
and the tectonics of architectural space.
Section One – Introduction and Generative structures
I graduated from the Royal college of Art nearly 25 years ago. My major was industrial design. After attending the RCA, I worked as a production and concept designer for 20 years with companies such as Apple computers and the BBC.
The first time I used computers in the design process was with the production design of the studio sets for the wire television network. here for example was done 20 years ago with my first computer. It was a set design and production project for the now defunct “ wire” channel. It was the first time I used a computer to generate the forms that where then projected onto surfaces to sculpt. At that time RP and other three dimensional outputs where not available. It was the beginning of my relationship with the parametric approach.
Section Two – Interaction and Physical Computing
When mobile phones control and modify environments.
Over the past 5 years I have been experimenting with telecommunication technology as a interface for interaction. This has primarily been the telephone and internet systems.
I usually avoid sensor based interactive technology as the telecommunication network is far more prevalent and ubiquitus. Also the mobile phone network is readily available for intervention and modification.
The motivations and design philosophies guiding the design process of these projects are wide. If there are connections and general themes they are, the dissolving of the body with respect to interaction. Entertainment and pleasure as a driving force of communication technology and its synthesis with architecture.
We often use some kind of fetish, personal or cultural as the starting point of a project, this allows for interpretation of interaction, environment and pleasure in a broad human context.
Section Three – Architecture and the end of the body
When Mobile phone migrate inside the body. The injectable electronic telepathic device.
As a linear result of the integration of the human body with communication technology ( i.e. the “Veri chip” for example ) and the driving force of entertainment and pleasure as a motivation for the development of new and ever more sophisticated environments. Ostensibly what I am talking about are questions such as “ if telecommunication devices are implanted does this mean we are all connected permanently, linked in an environment science fiction writers called the evermind”. If so then this could mean the end of loneliness and as a by product the end of privacy?. In these conditions the body and the concept of architectural design would radically shift to new forms and tectonics.
So what I am exploring through conventional design process fused with parametric experiments are the convergence of the human central nervous system and new forms of communication devices integrated and motivated by social networking and the desire for pleasure.
This condition I have called the “ Playstation X” or “ Sony F**k Station”
Machine Dreams Summer 2009

Machine Dreams - Exhibition Summer 2009
Machine Dreams - Symposium keynote Speaker Summer 2009
Lecture Notes
System and I
Its ironic that a person such as myself took the path of higher education.
As a high school student I missed most of my school days because I was in fact
a truant. I was a falconer for much of my youth, and assuch I had no interest in conventional education paths and procedures.
I would say that I essentially am self taught when it comes to art and design( especially computers and software) I also understand that for people of my age this is relatively common. ( Around 50 years old )
The advantages of this process are autonomy, a high chance of accidental discovery and a feeling of self sufficiency and achievement if all goes well.
The disadvantages are many, ranging from the huge amount of time ( comparatively speaking ) in learning new techniques and procedures by researching oneself and also the increased possibility of absolute failure and resulting despondence.
I have only experienced full time education as a teacher here in Seoul. What I have seen is basically that people in higher education have a desire to be professional at the expense of creativity and individualism. As you know being creative means taking risks that more often than not result in failure. In the case of being seen as an
individual I can see that there are many complexities associated with this.
" Want to be part of the modern scientific and industrial complex in a meaning full way? Get yourself a PHD! " James Burke

You the viewer can partly influence the machine in direction by kick starting the generative process.
IFI Busan 2007

IFI Busan 2007 - Keynote Speaker
Lecture Notes
Organics, nature, flight and electronics
My first understanding of forms, systems and practicality came when I was a falconer as a teenager. For a decade before going to university I was motivated by the forms of flight and biology. A great deal of my time was spent trying to scientifically understand flight and the natural environment, this led first to my interest in Bernoulli's principle of fluid mechanics at the age of 13 and from then on to many disparate chunks of science and biological theory. At that time there was a common belief ( although in my naivety I could have been wrong ) that it was mathematically impossible to prove that a bumble bee could fly. Since that time fluid mechanics and the mathematics associated with it has become a great deal more sophisticated. However at that age I was becoming much more interested in the practicality of fluid mechanics and flight as an art, an intuitive process rather than a strictly formal mathematical one. So from that point on all the aircraft and aerodyne objects I designed where much more about feeling and form rather than pure science driven practicality. A few years later I came across Luigi Colani when I was 16 and it became very clear that design was the way I wanted to go.
Running concurrently with the fascination with the natural world was an obsession with art, drawing and film, and then naturally to media and computing.
For most of my life much of what I wanted to do was simply impossible because the toolsets available ( and the mindset ) where incapable of achieving the results I was looking for.
Within the last 10 years a convergence has taken place where we have been liberated from the archetypal approach to conception and realization. Only recently has my knowledge in flight, nature and biology converged with my interest in digital media. These areas of organics of aerodynamics and the self replicating multiple forms of nature coupled with the new found freedom of software have led me to experiment with architecture, film and computer game environments and their electronic interaction.
My work of the last 10 years has reflected this convergence. Whether it be production design for a film, generative installation or projection of a building surface I have tried to apply the principles and techniques I have researched over the years.
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